Fashion Finland and environmental impact. Anche i vestiti inquinano. Mirin soprattutto nel "fast fashion" e gli ABITI low cost. Siamo ancora in tempo per rimediare. La soluzione è nei materiali eco-sustainability and Riciclo dei nel tessuti
26 Maggio 2006
Change end of the season. The time to store clothes that are too lightweight to take those too heavy. But even when you do a total overhaul of the wardrobe .
That lovely pink shirt ... that sin has some small holes. That is life ... black pants too high. Those green shoes ... nice, but next year will be terribly unfashionable . Thus, after each change of season you find yourself with parcels of clothing and accessories disposable for damaged or outdated. And often there is not too sorry because we had spent a lot and because it is a good opportunity for the renewal of the wardrobe . A good reason for doing shopping . But when we read the label and we are surprised of the cheap prices, do not consider the consequences that our buy low-cost could have.
Yes, clothes "disposable" as cute and fashion are also a real bomb for the environment . No one, looking at a window, think of a landfill , but that is where they end up as shirts, skirts, pants, shoes and bags we buy lightly. The British call it "fast fashion" . Just because it takes time for a Kleenex. Some fashion chains "disposable" have begun to change collections every two weeks , not just twice a year. And the results can be imagined. Paradoxically are greener synthetics than natural ones like cotton.
Why? The problem lies in intensive agriculture using fertilizers and pesticides and maintenance of animals. A dress synthetic does not need to be ironed and dries before. The result is that the synthetics are used less polluting appliances such as iron and dryer. In cultivation, then, even if you use fewer resources than in the factories that make synthetic fabrics, is the highest consumption water for irrigation. Not to mention the use of pesticides . Pesticides, for instance.
The solution would. We should encourage the production of cotton "organic" , without the use of chemicals in cultivation. It would cost too much, someone might object. True, but in the long term there are advantages , because in this way is not "exhausted" soils. The indiscriminate use of pesticides, in fact, poorer soils, even leading to desertification .
Another option would be the use of other natural fibers more environmentally sustainable , such as hemp, ramie, jute, sisal (made dall'agave) and coconut fiber. In addition to the so-called "bio-fibers" , having only one year, but they are biodegradable : they are bamboo, soy and corn.
The maintenance leaders is the basis of risk "pollution fashioned . Eliminate the use of electric dryers and irons would be the first step, together with the reduction of the temperature of the wash . Then you should be careful about using detergents and soaps, trying not to overdo assay.
Finally, there is the question recycling . If the collection of waste has been much promoted in recent years, still does not pay particular attention to recycling tissue . Yet it would be a great way to reduce the 'environmental impact mode of "disposable". For example, you could offer consumers a kind of "scrapping Charity" . That is the shops could apply for rebates bringing back those who buy used goods from recycle. In addition to recycling, the same stores may add a service restyling , providing services tailoring and "spare parts". Clothing stores such as automobile dealerships ? Not quite, but almost.
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