Sunday, May 25, 2008

How To Get A Pa Titile Fast

rejects affection from the case of trade

In Venice, the Giudecca island, there are waste bins with a glass wall and table tops. You use them for items for which you want to undo, but are not exactly "throw-away" items still in good condition that may be of interest to someone and that, therefore, be made available in a clean, protected and public. The project is called "rejection with affection" and it 'been active for one year. To invent and study location, advertising and use of those "cabinets / showcases street" were three students of Design and Arts.

The interesting part from the social point of view and 'was willing to give dignity to the recovery of objects. The objects are often designed with a planned obsolescence to ensure that they are being thrown away and bought new ones. Cheer fashion and denigrate reuse promotes consumption and waste production. By using the waste bin of affection with the people find their belongings remain in the area and will be taken by someone who appreciates them.


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