The photo at right shows "Kranti teteska technology for storage of radioactive waste from nuclear power. This is the salt mine shaft where they are stored 126,000 barrels of hazardous material. After having thrown up bins bins for years, even shattering several, now it was realized that the place chosen for the storage was not ideal as water leaks, about 120,000 liters per year, making it impossible to continue to keep the substances stored there, . The mine is filling up with radioactive water and may even collapse (Kranti kapoccioni teteschi found that the salt in contact with the water melts ...) thus preventing the scheduled removal. This work of displacement, in addition to being an absolute novelty that everyone can imagine the risks, cost the German taxpayers € 2.5 billion and will take approximately 20 years. And then say that nuclear power is cheap! We should learn from them? Those of mozzarella blue to name just one, but puss on, Bitte! Add a gem, the government of Merkel kancelliera
is signing agreements with Russia to store at Mayak (see here what Mayak) these bins.
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