All were acquitted suspects for the massacre of Piazza della Loggia in Brescia , which occurred May 28, 1974. Acquitted, Delphi's ordinovisti Venetian Zorzi, Carlo Maria Maggi, Maurizio sunset (the source "Triton" secret service), the former Carabinieri General Francesco Delfino former secretary of the MSI and founder of the New Order Pino Rauti. Before going into closed session, the prosecutors, Robert Martin and Francis Piantoni, 21 October last, had requested life imprisonment for complicity in the massacre for all but Rauti, for which he had sought the acquittal as " there are situations of strict liability "policy, but only" moral ". The five defendants were acquitted " for not having committed the act , having regard to the second paragraph of Article 530 for crimes in their membership, aed head. "
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