Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Does Decongestan Madecine Intefere With Thyroxine

on Fall in the forest

colors from the top of the Rock of Lities
beech shavings

enlarge and see the curious

resist, resist, resist

long shadows
remind me of the greeting cards

"It's the magic moment of the forest, the silence, the misty dawns, muted colors of green-yellow-brown in many tones that at times a mysterious light are evident in the undergrowth pre-winter"
Mario Rigoni Stern
These words summarize what really is autumn, that magic that makes any wood, what pushes me to wander around aimlessly just to see the color change or to listen to a falling leaf, and in that silence seems to make noise. A crackling, below, are two dry branches that break off and bring with them confetti of leaves, then the breeze throws me on the hat of brown-yellow petals, leaves of wild hazelnut. The birch, chestnut, beech, pine, each puts his shades this season and makes it so meditative to introduce what will be the winter sleep.


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