Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Virtue Ethics Abortion Disability
global democracy
Avaaz. Org offers:
Dear friends,
The gruesome campaign of intimidation against WikiLeaks is making anyone cringe in favor of press freedom.
Legal experts believe that WikiLeaks has not violated any law. Despite this, the most important U.S. politicians have called a terrorist group and commentators have urged killing members of his staff. The organization has been harshly attacked by governments and corporations, but WikiLeaks is only publishing information provided by an informant. It closely examines the information to be published in partnership with the leading world newspapers (NYT, Spiegel, Guardian, etc...) The impressive extra-legal intimidation against WikiLeaks is an attack on democracy . We urgently need a public appeal for the freedom of press and expression. Sign the petition to stop the ongoing repression and forward it to all : reach 1 million signatures on the pages of American newspapers pubblichiamole this week!
https: / / / en / wikileaks_petition /? Vl
https: / / / en / wikileaks_petition /? Vl
( is a non-profit and independent with 5.5 million members around the world, working with public awareness campaigns so that the views and values of the peoples of the world have an impact on global decision-making. (Avaaz means "voice" in many languages.) Avaaz receives no money from governments or corporations, and is composed of an international team of people spread between London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Paris, Washington and Geneva. +1 888 922 8229)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
How Soon After A Sti Test Do I Get The Results
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Toilet Paper To Dick Comparison
With snowshoes in Val di Susa
Today the decision is in a quiet snowshoe in Val di Susa, but we do not know where along the way, we will decide. I call us, Susi and Corrado and party after the load of poles of strict French brand, poles and boots suitable. "Cotolivier?" "Cotolivier", a place or the other, just do a little 'movement. Parked among the powerful Beaulard Chateau, a beautiful little village with houses rather old, I would say old, we should be around 700 or so where there is a tavern in which it seems serve the best raw deer across the valley! (Meaning cooked correctly), it is a little flat and rubbery if you do not digest the stomach of Neanderthal man, who regularly ate raw meat, but since then time has passed. Let's go back to snowshoes, take the trail to the shelter where the trail Rey or better summer pass and now there are about forty inches of snow a bit 'turned the temperature to very high altitude and season, I think we will be around 5 to 6 degrees. The initial stretch in the woods decided to salt, snow holds well, I leave to Conrad batting track and control the progression of Susanna who have not much used to the snowshoes, if the quarry. Light rain at times, the crust snow crunching beneath our feet, there is absolute calm and the wood is very warm. Traces of deer fell down to look for food and signs of fox are the only presence on our path. The trail is sometimes steep and soft tick, and finally we see the silhouette of a solitary retreat, well maybe not quite as lonely stands near the ruins of the horrid old chairlift fuoriuso dismally and now abandoned. A pile of concrete, broken glass, scrap metal varies, a classic example of love for the mountains that certain communities and their public administrators regularly voted election after election after abbrobrio reproach. Snack sitting Rey in front of us as I want and only the fingers, think good of bread and scrounge toma expertly led by Corrado, the value of friendship ... eh At the bottom, beneath us lies a sea of \u200b\u200bclouds milky-white and the background to Turin a triangle wedged between the mountains of the sky, blue. Perhaps the beautiful you prepare to return.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
I-r P185wjd Air Compressors
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Anunciosescort En Tlaxcala
After a weekend of bad weather and little physical activity in general, so today I decided to go for a run at the Parco Ruffini. The weather promises snow, but no matter, I promised myself to snort a bit 'and so I will.
Finished So my schedule of work and study, I put on my overalls, the hat and jump into the car to is obviously stuck in traffic of 17-18, the worst. Arrive at the park and then the air is chilly, some runs here and there, some "walking" the dog, a couple of boys bighellonano aloud to their teacher, they must have taken some inadequacy or so. The beginning is a bit 'hard, my breath is not exactly the best, but then ends on the first lap while I feel better off, I have more rhythm, breathing well, I start to download your mind, I begin to feel better. The race is really the primary activity that characterizes man, his relationship with nature, contact with the ground, the effort to achieve a goal, once he could be prey or the warmth of a tent of skins or even a small house of wood and branches, which is why I say that the race is so much to rebuild integrated human existence, apart Philippides, while bringing new ideas to give him physical fatigue in the long run, but a prompt recovery is the greatest satisfaction. For me it's really a fighter-stress, curls and turns, I think of my stuff and the rhythm of the breath clocked me see them differently, less problematic, more order. Meanwhile begins to sleet and the meadows are covered with a thin mixed white and brown layer of autumn leaves. The hill is located on the east side is a nice up and down a few tens of meters and then on the one hand, the staircase, and the other down the stairs or the little cobbled hill, you do not look at slip. Again a bit 'of times the hill. "I run from what?" I did not watch but I presume will be about thirty minutes, I decided as a conclusion to a great ride. When I go back to the car, the clock strikes 18:30, I ran an hour, well, it seemed less, it means they are not so bad. Now I have to get in the car and all that peace obtained through the leaves on the hill and disappear amongst the exhaust fumes, oh well. Near the house there is a crazy traffic jam, are university students who demonstrated against the reform, yes, they call on the government reform, a lot of courage.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Treating Ringworm Not Healing
A jog in the park lands in the TRAD Lities?
This gap of 15 m. has been called "Trad rules" by Mark Blatt, who has edge (6a +) to fully protecting friends, lies in the great maze of boulders at the base of the Crest of the Towers, or rather to its right bank, where it passes the way down, in fact. This type of climbing called 'Trade' provides the sole use of tools which can then be removed such as nuts or friends and is what is done by the '80s (and I remember well) today, mandatory in England (outside the cave but can be bolted), and is called ' clean' or 'hammerless '. This is for our areas of a rediscovery of a way to climb that was a bit 'left in the structures of low-level (except in Valle Orco Valley and Sea) and left the high mountains, on the streets where even the spit was not reached or was only partially. This is a cool game for those who want to do, which is based on historical tradition and the ethical values \u200b\u200bof preserving the holes in the rock, except for the stops that are bolted. I do not know if it is a new development Lities for sure but I believe that every type of climbing should be respected and also exploited to the full when, as in this case, we say tends to diversify the offer in a given area. Area where there are too many 'boulder' and where, in future there will be some other ways people see Trad scale is a pleasure for all mountaineers, then when everyone can find what he seeks, and so derive satisfaction and fun, then it say that the work that many of us do, it makes sense.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Souls Silver Rom Anti-freeze Patch
how obvious it was not anybody!
All were acquitted suspects for the massacre of Piazza della Loggia in Brescia , which occurred May 28, 1974. Acquitted, Delphi's ordinovisti Venetian Zorzi, Carlo Maria Maggi, Maurizio sunset (the source "Triton" secret service), the former Carabinieri General Francesco Delfino former secretary of the MSI and founder of the New Order Pino Rauti. Before going into closed session, the prosecutors, Robert Martin and Francis Piantoni, 21 October last, had requested life imprisonment for complicity in the massacre for all but Rauti, for which he had sought the acquittal as " there are situations of strict liability "policy, but only" moral ". The five defendants were acquitted " for not having committed the act , having regard to the second paragraph of Article 530 for crimes in their membership, aed head. "
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Does All Blu Ray Players Upconvert
Lities - Sputatemi
A beautiful day of November is the prelude to this scalatina on the rocks "at home". I am a Cafasse with Luke only, as Flaco and JCR have given their refusal. After a quick coffee, filiamo fast and reliable (not always say that?) to Lities. E 'for about two months since he climbed a bit' to the unfavorable weather (meteorological one) a bit ' for the limited time (one week). Today there is a pale sun, but not cold and then decide to do 'Sputatemi him' that Luke has not yet ascended to the fortress. There are two ropes in front of us and a dog tied to a tree the first stop (to get there for a wooded ledge, without climbing ...). We go very slowly and occasionally do a spazzolatina the rock where it seems to me that in the past removed the moss will return. There is a nice quiet and tranquility really nice. For the last shot we decided to go on 'Enough!' I find it more fun and aircraft. Involuntary return to become pastors, as the goats that are grazing Mauro in exchange for a meadow there capibranco and follow us to the car but then realized that all of us can not go up (I only have one Ka), they go back in the woods to graze shrubs, leaves, thorns, what is In short. A sleepy Saturday before the first snow fields and decorator ledges.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Does Decongestan Madecine Intefere With Thyroxine
on Fall in the forest
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colors from the top of the Rock of Lities |
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patchwork |
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beech shavings |
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enlarge and see the curious |
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resist, resist, resist |
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long shadows |
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remind me of the greeting cards |
"It's the magic moment of the forest, the silence, the misty dawns, muted colors of green-yellow-brown in many tones that at times a mysterious light are evident in the undergrowth pre-winter"
Mario Rigoni Stern
These words summarize what really is autumn, that magic that makes any wood, what pushes me to wander around aimlessly just to see the color change or to listen to a falling leaf, and in that silence seems to make noise. A crackling, below, are two dry branches that break off and bring with them confetti of leaves, then the breeze throws me on the hat of brown-yellow petals, leaves of wild hazelnut. The birch, chestnut, beech, pine, each puts his shades this season and makes it so meditative to introduce what will be the winter sleep.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Herpes On The Outside Of The Nose
So Mr. President?
2 Let laughter
2 Let laughter
"I do a terrible life with inhuman efforts - said Berlusconi. - Work till half past two at night, I received the papers, read them and do not rest in a good mood, I make cards for the party and give direction to the group. This morning at 7:30 am standing. " So, is justified, "if sometimes I feel the need of a relaxing evening as mental therapy to clear the brain from all care, no one at my age I will change your lifestyle to which I am proud. I am a single host, I would say unique, joyful and full of life, love life and women. " And the "bunga bunga ", which has become a real torment? "It's an old story many years ago that made me laugh a lot. Also this time it made me laugh. "
Oh poor thing, he needs to understand ...
ps actually got an error, if we want to be precise, the story was Bumba Bumba and bunga bunga. If one tells the jokes would at least know the ...
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Harley Thunderstar Rotor
Tread plate? No thanks! Good morning
As you know those who read this blog, in recent years with Julius I open / bolted some routes in Lities ( www . ). In my spare time, now low, try to maintain the roads, paths, access to the more user friendly as possible, which means up or down the streets even to replace rusted bolts, clean the rock and more. Today in one of these days my "maintenance" I had the pleasant surprise to find a running board in iron, listen, listen, frame at one meter away from the ground attack of "Enough!" along with a bolt added at the start. Not sure what I was seeing what I thought I had eaten or drunk and not making use of standard psychotropic or hallucinogenic substances, I have come to the conclusion that the step had to exist for real and I felt like crying when Aldo shaking hands "I can not believe." In the certainty that the driller unknown he did in all good faith and to somehow give a "hand" but I say "no thanks." I leave the steps to Berlusconi, who use them to form political parties, and the via ferrata accompanying them ladders, steps, chains and more. In all these years of mountain, I thought it was a clear difference between a street equipped with bolts and a via ferrata, but I see that someone has ideas a bit 'confused. But if a volunteer wants to participate generously in order to keep the roads and trails, I'm not sure I to deny them a little 'working drill, brush, spanner and bolts, hatchet and saw, as well as hoe. Driller Dear anonymous, you have only to get in touch with me and certainly something we combine the steps but please stop it elsewhere, not because I am the master of rock or has the exclusive but the simple fact that scale is one thing; Another is to climb a via ferrata. Obviously the running board was removed. Anyone wishing to return the item in question can contact me, you will be returned in original condition, that is rusty.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
From Beppe Grillo's Blog: There were many in Cesena, the children were playing near the stage, there was a clean air, the faces in the great lawn, which I feel, even now, a great nostalgia. It 'was an earthquake cake that you will understand slowly, slowly. With time. The vibrations which reach as circles in the water to those who were not there, brought by the evidence of who was present at Woodstock 5 Stars. It 's strange to think that Italy could always be like Saturday and Sunday, with people who felt they were brothers and sisters, to discuss the future and realize the future with the facts, recycling, water and public free participation in the construction of a common social project. [ continue reading ... ]
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Rotel Chicken Velveeta And Pasta Commercial
German Example? No thanks!
The photo at right shows "Kranti teteska technology for storage of radioactive waste from nuclear power. This is the salt mine shaft where they are stored 126,000 barrels of hazardous material. After having thrown up bins bins for years, even shattering several, now it was realized that the place chosen for the storage was not ideal as water leaks, about 120,000 liters per year, making it impossible to continue to keep the substances stored there, . The mine is filling up with radioactive water and may even collapse (Kranti kapoccioni teteschi found that the salt in contact with the water melts ...) thus preventing the scheduled removal. This work of displacement, in addition to being an absolute novelty that everyone can imagine the risks, cost the German taxpayers € 2.5 billion and will take approximately 20 years. And then say that nuclear power is cheap! We should learn from them? Those of mozzarella blue to name just one, but puss on, Bitte! Add a gem, the government of Merkel kancelliera
is signing agreements with Russia to store at Mayak (see here what Mayak) these bins.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Ice Skating Date Wear
Hey Jimi!
Forty years ago, September 18, 1970, died at age 27 James Marshall Hendrix, Jimi said, considered by most 'parties as' great rock guitarist of all times. Hendrix was born in Seattle November 27, 1942 and had established himself as a singer as well as a musician. But what has made him immortal, 'was his ability' of innovation in the sound of electric guitar in his parable of art, very brief but intense, and it 'made forerunner of many structures and the sound of what would be the future changes in the rock (such as heavy metal) through an unprecedented merger of blues, rhythm and blues, soul, hard rock, psychedelic and funky. According to many
J. Hendrix and 'the most' greatest guitarist of all time. His performance at the close of the 1969 Woodstock festival and 'become a real symbol: the image of the guitarist who, with irreverent visionariness' artistic playing the national anthem so provocatively distorted 'entry in the collective arrogance of music as one of the turning points in the history of rock.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Clip Art,have A Good Trip
This summer I returned to Mexico 2010, after twelve years .
escaped drug dealers and others who are not welcome ...
Milestones: Real de Catorce, the desert holy Wirikuta, Zacatecas, Sierra Nayarit, Guanajuato, Oaxaca and surroundings ... It is obvious Ciudad de Mexico.
between buses, minibuses and unorthodox steps, 4600 kilometers of travel, fostered by landscapes of trees, deserts, canyons, archaeological sites, and human beings ... ...
I met Rocio Echevarria, the tough head of the association who for decades home Huichol Indians Huichol helps sick ( A person surrendered her I have the money, part of which result from the rights of the author of the novel .
I met another woman special Patricia Díaz Romo , the project manager "Huicholes and pesticides," whose link is at the bottom to the blog.
So fed, I returned to Italy, hoping one day inspirations breathe, to feed myself.
Walter G.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Being A Landlord For Dummies New Jersey
Luglio1936, A. Hinterstoisser and T. Kurz attempt the Eiger north face together with an Austrian climber who follows them. Anyone who has read a bit 'of mountaineering history certainly knows the drama of those days is recalled with good accuracy and precision from the movie Nordwand (North Face) of P. Stölzl. For once, a film that does not climb too far and does not paint the climbers as Superman or Spider-Man (eg cliffhanger rubbish and the like) but it tells the human adventure of four very tough competition climbers caught in the vortex of a 'premiere' and the Nazi propaganda of the Germanic superman. The reconstruction of the scene of rock climbing is really good scale, and who knows how to recognize small details that others do not notice but that make plausible a certain situation, no jumping from one peak to another, no serac someone that's been flying for 150 yards and leaves him miraculously on a ledge from which you save pulling on the rope by force of arms in the air. A film so that you can see with interest and which is also well set with split of everyday life. The dotted line of the characters is done with care and climbers are seen here with their exaltation and their doubts, their strengths and their weaknesses, the audacity of Hinterstoisser opening the crossing which now bears his name, balanced by the calm and sense of reality Kurz who proved to be real head rope. Of course, as a film and documentary, the director had to put the sentimental side of Kurz's girlfriend that I do not know if it is true and correct but that does not infringe too much from the rest. Go and see and ricordatevene when climbing with boots and nylon strings, make the comparison with the equipment of the four, and admire more and more certain climbers of the '30s, as I did and I do too.
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